
Net-Zero Carbon is Not Zero-Carbon

Net-Zero grid, net-zero buildings, net-zero housing, net-zero climate goals. We hear these phrases all over the place nowadays. They are meant to be the gold standard for environmental conscientiousness and progressive planning. And they are. That's the problem. A net outcome is a term most often used in economic considerations where all inputs and outputs... Continue Reading →

Heat and Motion: The Fundamentals of Energy

Last time in this series, we wrote about how SMRs deal with heat, and how their small size makes it possible for them to be potentially immune to the dangers of meltdowns. While true and fundamentally accurate, that explanation left a lot to be desired in expanding understanding of how heat is actually moved around... Continue Reading →

The Future is Not for the Timid

I know I was supposed to be continuing with my series on Heat and the neat tricks nuclear reactors of all sizes use to manage it. However, it turns out that trying to condense a field of study that has been Vigourously worked with for over 200 years and has become basically the foundation of... Continue Reading →

Heat and Cubes: The secret math of SMRs

We're going to do things a little differently this time. Normally I talk about a complex topic by drilling down to the fundamentals and then building back up to make the point about the original topic. This time however we are going to start at the top and explore that layer before removing it and... Continue Reading →

Craftsmanship and High-Energy Society

I'm a tech guy. I like my sci-fi and my computers and my mass produced conveniences. But I also love stuff like this: I wish I could be half as excited about my work as this guy is. I encourage you to watch this as I'll be referencing parts of it through this article.... Continue Reading →

Power pt 3: Flexibility and Resilience

Oh man this one is a lot longer than I expected. But it's been simmering for like 2 months so maybe it's time? Who cares, let's dive in. Connecting the Dispersed So in this final portion of our series on Power and some of the less obvious aspects about it, we want to talk about... Continue Reading →

Power Pt 2: Centralization vs. Dispersion

Spreading Out the Power to Make Power So we asked last time how we might be able to prevent the accumulation of power generation in a small number of hands in order to involve more people in the choice of which direction to point society. The idea of decentralizing or "democratizing" energy generation came up... Continue Reading →

Power Pt. 1: The Ability to do Work

What is the purpose of Power? It doesn't matter if it is something physical like electricity, or something more esoteric like the authority wielded by politicians, business leaders, or even church leaders. The purpose of Power has always been to affect change on the world around you. In other words, it is the ability to... Continue Reading →

Nuclear Waste: Untapped Potential

Oh man, This is great, I get to mix nuclear advocacy and my actual degree in Nano-materials Engineering together in one post! I've noticed news about the Diamond Battery cropping up again lately since I first heard about it back in 2017, and oh man this thing is so exciting for a few reasons. First... Continue Reading →

Spotlight: Ultra Safe Nuclear Corp.

Allrighty time to give my journalism muscles another attempted flex with the second installment in our Spotlight series about nuclear production companies, This time focused on Ultra Safe Nuclear Corporation. Science and Entrepreneurship Just look at that dapper gentleman. Earlier this week I had the pleasure of chatting with Mark Mitchell, a very pleasant South... Continue Reading →

Energy: Growth or Static? How EROI determines our future.

Sorry it's been so long since the last article. life has gotten interesting in the ancient Chinese curse kind of way, but I'm back and hopefully regularly. I hate economics. It's a byzantine mess of contradicting methods and rules that gives em a massive headache whenever I try and plumb its depths. Is it worth... Continue Reading →

Radiation Damage: Biology is just Physics with lots of extra steps right?

You can't see it, you can't feel it, you can't smell it, and you can only tell where it is either by its effect or by specialized detecting equipment. It's easy to understand the fear and hesitancy when it comes to radiation exposure. I can't do much to try and fight that kind of fear.... Continue Reading →

Energy Intensity: The Futures We See

I've been getting bummed out lately. It's been feeling like all I 'm doing here is playing catch up to old ideas and old arguments against nuclear energy. That aggravates me because it means that we have lost control over the direction of the conversation. If we want the conversation to change, then we have... Continue Reading →

The Alberta Oil Life: Ubiquity and the Road to Zero Carbon

Medical implants, food packaging, cellphones, athletic apparel, dress shoes, paper, screws, nails, water bottles, car tires, video games, beach umbrellas, sandpaper, headphones, cancer drugs, recreational drugs, painkillers, colostomy bags, hospital beds, regular beds, fishing lines, boats, cosplay costumes, comic books, coloured inks, paint, shopping carts, musical instruments, concert hall chairs, pens, stress balls, tennis balls,... Continue Reading →

Heat, Energy, and Climate: The Three Amigos

I'm going to start off by saying that I don't care if anyone reading this article believes in man-made climate change or thinks it's a scam. I'm not here to champion anything, I just feel there is a lot of misunderstanding of the topic because everyone discusses it 3 or 4 levels above the fundamental... Continue Reading →

A Stranger in a Strange Conference #EDU2019

Energy Disrupters Unite 2019. A smaller conference in an important city in an important province in a country that I love, even with it's problems. Here I spent 2 days listening to some of the most driven, and insightful people I have ever had the pleasure of listening to. Their talks wandered over and through... Continue Reading →

A Nuclear Nerd Presents to the Edmonton Energy Transition Leadership Network

Foreward: So I didn't post on friday last week because I was busy writing a presentation. It was not in fact this presentation that is below, it was an entirely different one that I determined was crap and scrapped late friday night. Thus forcing me to build this new one from scratch 4 days before... Continue Reading →

The Next Steps for ANN

Hello to everyone, Almost since I started ANN people have reached out to either myself or Alberta Nuclear Nucleus in general and expressed interest in our goals and asked if there was anything they could do to help. And up until now, my answer was always, "not yet, but soon". Well, Soon has finally arrived.... Continue Reading →

A Nuke Nerd at the City of Edmonton Executive Committee

So there was no post last friday because I was busy writing and practicing the speech I gave yesterday. It was to the Edmonton Executive Committee talking about Climate Change. Thanks to Aaron Hinman who recorded my speech and single question that was asked of me so you all don't have to sit through 8... Continue Reading →

Base-load, Intermittent, and Energy Storage: The Use of Tools. Even if you aren't a pro-nuclear person, I'm sure you might have seen the argument that nuclear cannot load follow being used somewhere online. And then probably using that as a reason why we should be moving to a renewable mixture of wind and solar backed by storage. I never realized how self-defeating it... Continue Reading →

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